Juusonpolku 4, 88610 Vuokatti

6+2 persons
3 Bedrooms
Private bathroom
Own toilet
Non-smoking property


  • For hikers
  • For the whole family
  • An environmentally friendly choice
  • For well-being
  • For remote workers
  • Private bathroom
  • Own toilet
  • Non-smoking property
  • Allergy rooms
  • Dishwasher
  • Car heater plug
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Fridge-freezer
  • Coffee maker
  • Cooking facility
  • Mechanical ventilation
  • Drying cabinet/drum
  • Floor heating in the washrooms
  • Toaster
  • No pets allowed
  • Travel cot and high chair on request
  • A microwave oven
  • Baking oven
  • Basic tableware
  • Washing machine
  • Sauna
  • Ironing equipment
  • Smart TV
  • Shower
  • Electric stove
  • Electric heated sauna
  • Fireplace
  • Terrace
  • Kettle
  • Water pipe
  • Toilet


  • Distance to airport: 45 km
  • Distance to train station: 40 km
  • Distance to bus station: 10 km
  • Distance to nearest city: 40 km
  • Distance to nearest store: 0,8 km
  • Distance to restaurant: 1,5 km
  • Distance to nearest ski slope: 3 km
  • Distance to nearest ski trail: 0,05 km
  • Distance to water: 0,1 km
  • Distance to border crossing point: 100 km
  • Nearest border crossing: Vartius
  • The destination can be reached by public transport: Yes

Additional services

  • Children's high chair